Family Governance

Research and Studies in Family Succession

Learning: For enlightenment, attend various business schools’ theoretical succession courses.

Collaboration: Study global family business succession cases with the Center for Family Heritage, CEIBS to discover the secrets of a long-standing business.

Learning Tours: Visit family offices around the world and study family succession patterns.

Visits: Visit various family businesses around the world to probe the secrets of family business succession, and find the innovation methods for private businesses that suit the Chinese environment.

Research and Studies in Family Succession

Family Constitution

The family constitution works like a "compass" in family succession, which ensures long-run, continuous family growth in line with the overall interests and goals of the family. BOZE has formulated the family constitution to safeguard and clarify the family’s “special intangible assets” BOZE also keeps improving each provision in the course of practice to promote the succession of wealth and values in the family.

Family Constitution